Below is a list of problems classified by tags, suitable for focused practice on a certain type of problem.
- 1. Two Sum
- 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- 11. Container With Most Water
- 15. 3Sum
- 16. 3Sum Closest
- 18. 4Sum
- 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- 27. Remove Element
- 31. Next Permutation
- 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
- 35. Search Insert Position
- 36. Valid Sudoku
- 37. Sudoku Solver
- 39. Combination Sum
- 40. Combination Sum II
- 41. First Missing Positive
- 42. Trapping Rain Water
- 45. Jump Game II
- 46. Permutations
- 47. Permutations II
- 48. Rotate Image
- 49. Group Anagrams
- 51. N-Queens
- 53. Maximum Subarray
- 54. Spiral Matrix
- 55. Jump Game
- 56. Merge Intervals
- 57. Insert Interval
- 59. Spiral Matrix II
- 63. Unique Paths II
- 64. Minimum Path Sum
- 66. Plus One
- 68. Text Justification
- 73. Set Matrix Zeroes
- 74. Search a 2D Matrix
- 75. Sort Colors
- 78. Subsets
- 79. Word Search
- 80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
- 81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II
- 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
- 85. Maximal Rectangle
- 88. Merge Sorted Array
- 90. Subsets II
- 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
- 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
- 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
- 118. Pascal's Triangle
- 119. Pascal's Triangle II
- 120. Triangle
- 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
- 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence
- 130. Surrounded Regions
- 134. Gas Station
- 135. Candy
- 136. Single Number
- 137. Single Number II
- 139. Word Break
- 140. Word Break II
- 149. Max Points on a Line
- 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- 152. Maximum Product Subarray
- 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II
- 157. Read N Characters Given Read4 π
- 158. Read N Characters Given read4 II - Call Multiple Times π
- 162. Find Peak Element
- 163. Missing Ranges π
- 164. Maximum Gap
- 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
- 169. Majority Element
- 170. Two Sum III - Data structure design π
- 174. Dungeon Game
- 179. Largest Number
- 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
- 189. Rotate Array
- 198. House Robber
- 200. Number of Islands
- 204. Count Primes
- 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- 212. Word Search II
- 213. House Robber II
- 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array
- 216. Combination Sum III
- 217. Contains Duplicate
- 218. The Skyline Problem
- 219. Contains Duplicate II
- 220. Contains Duplicate III
- 221. Maximal Square
- 228. Summary Ranges
- 229. Majority Element II
- 238. Product of Array Except Self
- 239. Sliding Window Maximum
- 240. Search a 2D Matrix II
- 243. Shortest Word Distance π
- 244. Shortest Word Distance II π
- 245. Shortest Word Distance III π
- 247. Strobogrammatic Number II π
- 248. Strobogrammatic Number III π
- 249. Group Shifted Strings π
- 251. Flatten 2D Vector π
- 252. Meeting Rooms π
- 253. Meeting Rooms II π
- 255. Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree π
- 256. Paint House π
- 259. 3Sum Smaller π
- 260. Single Number III
- 265. Paint House II π
- 268. Missing Number
- 269. Alien Dictionary π
- 271. Encode and Decode Strings π
- 274. H-Index
- 275. H-Index II
- 280. Wiggle Sort π
- 281. Zigzag Iterator π
- 283. Move Zeroes
- 284. Peeking Iterator
- 286. Walls and Gates π
- 287. Find the Duplicate Number
- 288. Unique Word Abbreviation π
- 289. Game of Life
- 296. Best Mee