2312. Selling Pieces of Wood
You are given two integers m
and n
that represent the height and width of a rectangular piece of wood. You are also given a 2D integer array prices
, where prices[i] = [hi, wi, pricei]
indicates you can sell a rectangular piece of wood of height hi
and width wi
for pricei
To cut a piece of wood, you must make a vertical or horizontal cut across the entire height or width of the piece to split it into two smaller pieces. After cutting a piece of wood into some number of smaller pieces, you can sell pieces according to prices
. You may sell multiple pieces of the same shape, and you do not have to sell all the shapes. The grain of the wood makes a difference, so you cannot rotate a piece to swap its height and width.
Return the maximum money you can earn after cutting an m x n
piece of wood.
Note that you can cut the piece of wood as many times as you want.
Example 1:
Input: m = 3, n = 5, prices = [[1,4,2],[2,2,7],[2,1,3]] Output: 19 Explanation: The diagram above shows a possible scenario. It consists of: - 2 pieces of wood shaped 2 x 2, selling for a price of 2 * 7 = 14. - 1 piece of wood shaped 2 x 1, selling for a price of 1 * 3 = 3. - 1 piece of wood shaped 1 x 4, selling for a price of 1 * 2 = 2. This obtains a total of 14 + 3 + 2 = 19 money earned. It can be shown that 19 is the maximum amount of money that can be earned.
Example 2:
Input: m = 4, n = 6, prices = [[3,2,10],[1,4,2],[4,1,3]] Output: 32 Explanation: The diagram above shows a possible scenario. It consists of: - 3 pieces of wood shaped 3 x 2, selling for a price of 3 * 10 = 30. - 1 piece of wood shaped 1 x 4, selling for a price of 1 * 2 = 2. This obtains a total of 30 + 2 = 32 money earned. It can be shown that 32 is the maximum amount of money that can be earned. Notice that we cannot rotate the 1 x 4 piece of wood to obtain a 4 x 1 piece of wood.
1 <= m, n <= 200
1 <= prices.length <= 2 * 104
prices[i].length == 3
1 <= hi <= m
1 <= wi <= n
1 <= pricei <= 106
- All the shapes of wood
(hi, wi)
are pairwise distinct.
Solution 1: Memoization Search
First, we define a 2D array $d$, where $d[i][j]$ represents the price of a wood block with height $i$ and width $j$.
Then, we design a function $dfs(h, w)$ to denote the maximum amount of money obtained by cutting a wood block with height $h$ and width $w$. The answer will be $dfs(m, n)$.
The process of function $dfs(h, w)$ is as follows:
- If $(h, w)$ has been calculated before, return the answer directly.
- Otherwise, initialize the answer as $d[h][w]$, then enumerate the cutting positions, calculate the maximum amount of money obtained by cutting the wood block into two pieces, and take the maximum value.
The time complexity is $O(m \times n \times (m + n) + p)$, and the space complexity is $O(m \times n)$. Here, $p$ represents the length of the price array, while $m$ and $n$ represent the height and width of the wood blocks, respectively.
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