1901. Find a Peak Element II
A peak element in a 2D grid is an element that is strictly greater than all of its adjacent neighbors to the left, right, top, and bottom.
Given a 0-indexed m x n
matrix mat
where no two adjacent cells are equal, find any peak element mat[i][j]
and return the length 2 array [i,j]
You may assume that the entire matrix is surrounded by an outer perimeter with the value -1
in each cell.
You must write an algorithm that runs in O(m log(n))
or O(n log(m))
Example 1:
Input: mat = [[1,4],[3,2]] Output: [0,1] Explanation: Both 3 and 4 are peak elements so [1,0] and [0,1] are both acceptable answers.
Example 2:
Input: mat = [[10,20,15],[21,30,14],[7,16,32]] Output: [1,1] Explanation: Both 30 and 32 are peak elements so [1,1] and [2,2] are both acceptable answers.
m == mat.length
n == mat[i].length
1 <= m, n <= 500
1 <= mat[i][j] <= 105
- No two adjacent cells are equal.
Solution 1: Binary Search
Let $m$ and $n$ be the number of rows and columns of the matrix, respectively.
The problem asks us to find a peak, and the time complexity should be $O(m \times \log n)$ or $O(n \times \log m)$. Therefore, we can consider using binary search.
We consider the maximum value of the $i$-th row, and denote its index as $j$.
If $mat[i][j] > mat[i + 1][j]$, then there must be a peak in the rows $[0,..i]$. We only need to find the maximum value in these rows. Similarly, if $mat[i][j] < mat[i + 1][j]$, then there must be a peak in the rows $[i + 1,..m - 1]$. We only need to find the maximum value in these rows.
Why is the above method correct? We can prove it by contradiction.
If $mat[i][j] > mat[i + 1][j]$, suppose there is no peak in the rows $[0,..i]$. Then $mat[i][j]$ is not a peak. Since $mat[i][j]$ is the maximum value of the $i$-th row, and $mat[i][j] > mat[i + 1][j]$, then $mat[i][j] < mat[i - 1][j]$. We continue to consider from the $(i - 1)$-th row upwards, and the maximum value of each row is less than the maximum value of the previous row. When we traverse to $i = 0$, since all elements in the matrix are positive integers, and the values of the cells around the matrix are $-1$. Therefore, at the 0-th row, its maximum value is greater than all its adjacent elements, so the maximum value of the 0-th row is a peak, which contradicts the assumption. Therefore, there must be a peak in the rows $[0,..i]$.
For the case where $mat[i][j] < mat[i + 1][j]$, we can prove in a similar way that there must be a peak in the rows $[i + 1,..m - 1]$.
Therefore, we can use binary search to find the peak.
We perform binary search on the rows of the matrix, initially with the search boundaries $l = 0$, $r = m - 1$. Each time, we find the middle row $mid$ and find the index $j$ of the maximum value of this row. If $mat[mid][j] > mat[mid + 1][j]$, then we search for the peak in the rows $[0,..mid]$, i.e., update $r = mid$. Otherwise, we search for the peak in the rows $[mid + 1,..m - 1]$, i.e., update $l = mid + 1$. When $l = r$, we find the position $[l, j_l]$ of the peak, where $j_l$ is the index of the maximum value of the $l$-th row.
The time complexity is $O(n \times \log m)$, where $m$ and $n$ are the number of rows and columns of the matrix, respectively. The time complexity of binary search is $O(\log m)$, and each time we perform binary search, we need to traverse all elements of the $mid$-th row, with a time complexity of $O(n)$. The space complexity is $O(1)$.
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