08.12. Eight Queens
Write an algorithm to print all ways of arranging n queens on an n x n chess board so that none of them share the same row, column, or diagonal. In this case, "diagonal" means all diagonals, not just the two that bisect the board.
Notes: This problem is a generalization of the original one in the book.
Input: 4 Output: [[".Q..","...Q","Q...","..Q."],["..Q.","Q...","...Q",".Q.."]] Explanation: 4 queens has following two solutions [ [".Q..", // solution 1 "...Q", "Q...", "..Q."], ["..Q.", // solution 2 "Q...", "...Q", ".Q.."] ]
Solution 1: DFS (Backtracking)
We define three arrays $col$, $dg$, and $udg$ to represent whether there is a queen in the column, the main diagonal, and the anti-diagonal, respectively. If there is a queen at position $(i, j)$, then $col[j]$, $dg[i + j]$, and $udg[n - i + j]$ are all $1$. In addition, we use an array $g$ to record the current state of the chessboard, where all elements in $g$ are initially '.'
Next, we define a function $dfs(i)$, which represents placing queens starting from the $i$th row.
In $dfs(i)$, if $i = n$, it means that we have completed the placement of all queens. We put the current $g$ into the answer array and end the recursion.
Otherwise, we enumerate each column $j$ of the current row. If there is no queen at position $(i, j)$, that is, $col[j]$, $dg[i + j]$, and $udg[n - i + j]$ are all $0$, then we can place a queen, that is, change $g[i][j]$ to 'Q'
, and set $col[j]$, $dg[i + j]$, and $udg[n - i + j]$ to $1$. Then we continue to search the next row, that is, call $dfs(i + 1)$. After the recursion ends, we need to change $g[i][j]$ back to '.'
and set $col[j]$, $dg[i + j]$, and $udg[n - i + j]$ to $0$.
In the main function, we call $dfs(0)$ to start recursion, and finally return the answer array.
The time complexity is $O(n^2 \times n!)$, and the space complexity is $O(n)$. Here, $n$ is the integer given in the problem.
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