2132. Stamping the Grid
You are given an m x n
binary matrix grid
where each cell is either 0
(empty) or 1
You are then given stamps of size stampHeight x stampWidth
. We want to fit the stamps such that they follow the given restrictions and requirements:
- Cover all the empty cells.
- Do not cover any of the occupied cells.
- We can put as many stamps as we want.
- Stamps can overlap with each other.
- Stamps are not allowed to be rotated.
- Stamps must stay completely inside the grid.
Return true
if it is possible to fit the stamps while following the given restrictions and requirements. Otherwise, return false
Example 1:
Input: grid = [[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]], stampHeight = 4, stampWidth = 3 Output: true Explanation: We have two overlapping stamps (labeled 1 and 2 in the image) that are able to cover all the empty cells.
Example 2:
Input: grid = [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]], stampHeight = 2, stampWidth = 2 Output: false Explanation: There is no way to fit the stamps onto all the empty cells without the stamps going outside the grid.
m == grid.length
n == grid[r].length
1 <= m, n <= 105
1 <= m * n <= 2 * 105
is either0
.1 <= stampHeight, stampWidth <= 105
Solution 1: Two-Dimensional Prefix Sum + Two-Dimensional Difference
According to the problem description, every empty cell must be covered by a stamp, and no occupied cell can be covered. Therefore, we can traverse the two-dimensional matrix, and for each cell, if all cells in the area of $stampHeight \times stampWidth$ with this cell as the upper left corner are empty (i.e., not occupied), then we can place a stamp at this cell.
To quickly determine whether all cells in an area are empty, we can use a two-dimensional prefix sum. We use $s_{i,j}$ to represent the number of occupied cells in the sub-matrix from $(1,1)$ to $(i,j)$ in the two-dimensional matrix. That is, $s_{i, j} = s_{i - 1, j} + s_{i, j - 1} - s_{i - 1, j - 1} + grid_{i-1, j-1}$.
Then, with $(i, j)$ as the upper left corner, and the height and width are $stampHeight$ and $stampWidth$ respectively, the lower right coordinate of the sub-matrix is $(x, y) = (i + stampHeight - 1, j + stampWidth - 1)$. We can calculate the number of occupied cells in this sub-matrix through $s_{x, y} - s_{x, j - 1} - s_{i - 1, y} + s_{i - 1, j - 1}$. If the number of occupied cells in this sub-matrix is $0$, then we can place a stamp at $(i, j)$. After placing the stamp, all cells in this $stampHeight \times stampWidth$ area will become occupied cells. We can use a two-dimensional difference array $d$ to record this change. That is:
$$ \begin{aligned} d_{i, j} &\leftarrow d_{i, j} + 1 \ d_{i, y + 1} &\leftarrow d_{i, y + 1} - 1 \ d_{x + 1, j} &\leftarrow d_{x + 1, j} - 1 \ d_{x + 1, y + 1} &\leftarrow d_{x + 1, y + 1} + 1 \end{aligned} $$
Finally, we perform a prefix sum operation on the two-dimensional difference array $d$ to find out the number of times each cell is covered by a stamp. If a cell is not occupied and the number of times it is covered by a stamp is $0$, then we cannot place a stamp at this cell, so we need to return $\texttt{false}$. If all "unoccupied cells" are successfully covered by stamps, return $\texttt{true}$.
The time complexity is $O(m \times n)$, and the space complexity is $O(m \times n)$. Here, $m$ and $n$ are the height and width of the two-dimensional matrix, respectively.
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