599. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists
Given two arrays of strings list1
and list2
, find the common strings with the least index sum.
A common string is a string that appeared in both list1
and list2
A common string with the least index sum is a common string such that if it appeared at list1[i]
and list2[j]
then i + j
should be the minimum value among all the other common strings.
Return all the common strings with the least index sum. Return the answer in any order.
Example 1:
Input: list1 = ["Shogun","Tapioca Express","Burger King","KFC"], list2 = ["Piatti","The Grill at Torrey Pines","Hungry Hunter Steakhouse","Shogun"] Output: ["Shogun"] Explanation: The only common string is "Shogun".
Example 2:
Input: list1 = ["Shogun","Tapioca Express","Burger King","KFC"], list2 = ["KFC","Shogun","Burger King"] Output: ["Shogun"] Explanation: The common string with the least index sum is "Shogun" with index sum = (0 + 1) = 1.
Example 3:
Input: list1 = ["happy","sad","good"], list2 = ["sad","happy","good"] Output: ["sad","happy"] Explanation: There are three common strings: "happy" with index sum = (0 + 1) = 1. "sad" with index sum = (1 + 0) = 1. "good" with index sum = (2 + 2) = 4. The strings with the least index sum are "sad" and "happy".
1 <= list1.length, list2.length <= 1000
1 <= list1[i].length, list2[i].length <= 30
consist of spaces' '
and English letters.- All the strings of
are unique. - All the strings of
are unique. - There is at least a common string between
Solution 1: Hash Table
We use a hash table \(\textit{d}\) to record the strings in \(\textit{list2}\) and their indices, and a variable \(\textit{mi}\) to record the minimum index sum.
Then, we traverse \(\textit{list1}\). For each string \(\textit{s}\), if \(\textit{s}\) appears in \(\textit{list2}\), we calculate the index \(\textit{i}\) of \(\textit{s}\) in \(\textit{list1}\) and the index \(\textit{j}\) in \(\textit{list2}\). If \(\textit{i} + \textit{j} < \textit{mi}\), we update the answer array \(\textit{ans}\) to \(\textit{s}\) and update \(\textit{mi}\) to \(\textit{i} + \textit{j}\). If \(\textit{i} + \textit{j} = \textit{mi}\), we add \(\textit{s}\) to the answer array \(\textit{ans}\).
After traversing, return the answer array \(\textit{ans}\).
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