There is a dungeon with n x m rooms arranged as a grid.
You are given a 2D array moveTime of size n x m, where moveTime[i][j] represents the minimum time in seconds when you can start moving to that room. You start from the room (0, 0) at time t = 0 and can move to an adjacent room. Moving between adjacent rooms takes exactly one second.
Return the minimum time to reach the room (n - 1, m - 1).
Two rooms are adjacent if they share a common wall, either horizontally or vertically.
Example 1:
Input:moveTime = [[0,4],[4,4]]
The minimum time required is 6 seconds.
At time t == 4, move from room (0, 0) to room (1, 0) in one second.
At time t == 5, move from room (1, 0) to room (1, 1) in one second.
Example 2:
Input:moveTime = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
The minimum time required is 3 seconds.
At time t == 0, move from room (0, 0) to room (1, 0) in one second.
At time t == 1, move from room (1, 0) to room (1, 1) in one second.
At time t == 2, move from room (1, 1) to room (1, 2) in one second.
Example 3:
Input:moveTime = [[0,1],[1,2]]
2 <= n == moveTime.length <= 50
2 <= m == moveTime[i].length <= 50
0 <= moveTime[i][j] <= 109
Solution 1: Dijkstra's Algorithm
We define a two-dimensional array $\textit{dist}$, where $\textit{dist}[i][j]$ represents the minimum time required to reach room $(i, j)$ from the starting point. Initially, we set all elements in the $\textit{dist}$ array to infinity, and then set the $\textit{dist}$ value of the starting point $(0, 0)$ to $0$.
We use a priority queue $\textit{pq}$ to store each state, where each state consists of three values $(d, i, j)$, representing the time $d$ required to reach room $(i, j)$ from the starting point. Initially, we add the starting point $(0, 0, 0)$ to $\textit{pq}$.
In each iteration, we take the front element $(d, i, j)$ from $\textit{pq}$. If $(i, j)$ is the endpoint, we return $d$. If $d$ is greater than $\textit{dist}[i][j]$, we skip this state. Otherwise, we enumerate the four adjacent positions $(x, y)$ of $(i, j)$. If $(x, y)$ is within the map, we calculate the final time $t$ from $(i, j)$ to $(x, y)$ as $t = \max(\textit{moveTime}[x][y], \textit{dist}[i][j]) + 1$. If $t$ is less than $\textit{dist}[x][y]$, we update the value of $\textit{dist}[x][y]$ and add $(t, x, y)$ to $\textit{pq}$.
The time complexity is $O(n \times m \times \log (n \times m))$, and the space complexity is $O(n \times m)$. Here, $n$ and $m$ are the number of rows and columns of the map, respectively.