3301. Maximize the Total Height of Unique Towers
You are given an array maximumHeight
, where maximumHeight[i]
denotes the maximum height the ith
tower can be assigned.
Your task is to assign a height to each tower so that:
- The height of the
tower is a positive integer and does not exceedmaximumHeight[i]
. - No two towers have the same height.
Return the maximum possible total sum of the tower heights. If it's not possible to assign heights, return -1
Example 1:
Input: maximumHeight = [2,3,4,3]
Output: 10
We can assign heights in the following way: [1, 2, 4, 3]
Example 2:
Input: maximumHeight = [15,10]
Output: 25
We can assign heights in the following way: [15, 10]
Example 3:
Input: maximumHeight = [2,2,1]
Output: -1
It's impossible to assign positive heights to each index so that no two towers have the same height.
1 <= maximumHeight.length <= 105
1 <= maximumHeight[i] <= 109
Solution 1: Sorting + Greedy
We can sort the maximum heights of the towers in descending order, then allocate the heights one by one starting from the maximum height. Use a variable \(mx\) to record the current maximum allocated height.
If the current height \(x\) is greater than \(mx - 1\), update \(x\) to \(mx - 1\). If \(x\) is less than or equal to \(0\), it means the height cannot be allocated, and we directly return \(-1\). Otherwise, we add \(x\) to the answer and update \(mx\) to \(x\).
Finally, return the answer.
The time complexity is \(O(n \times \log n)\), and the space complexity is \(O(\log n)\). Here, \(n\) is the length of the array \(\textit{maximumHeight}\).
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