You are given an integer n and a 2D integer array queries.
There are n cities numbered from 0 to n - 1. Initially, there is a unidirectional road from city i to city i + 1 for all 0 <= i < n - 1.
queries[i] = [ui, vi] represents the addition of a new unidirectional road from city ui to city vi. After each query, you need to find the length of the shortest path from city 0 to city n - 1.
Return an array answer where for each i in the range [0, queries.length - 1], answer[i] is the length of the shortest path from city 0 to city n - 1 after processing the first i + 1 queries.
Example 1:
Input:n = 5, queries = [[2,4],[0,2],[0,4]]
After the addition of the road from 2 to 4, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 4 is 3.
After the addition of the road from 0 to 2, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 4 is 2.
After the addition of the road from 0 to 4, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 4 is 1.
Example 2:
Input:n = 4, queries = [[0,3],[0,2]]
After the addition of the road from 0 to 3, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 3 is 1.
After the addition of the road from 0 to 2, the length of the shortest path remains 1.
3 <= n <= 500
1 <= queries.length <= 500
queries[i].length == 2
0 <= queries[i][0] < queries[i][1] < n
1 < queries[i][1] - queries[i][0]
There are no repeated roads among the queries.
Solution 1: BFS
We first build a directed graph \(\textit{g}\), where \(\textit{g}[i]\) represents the list of cities that can be reached from city \(i\). Initially, each city \(i\) has a one-way road to city \(i + 1\).
Then, for each query \([u, v]\), we add \(v\) to the list of reachable cities from \(u\), and then use BFS to find the shortest path length from city \(0\) to city \(n - 1\), adding the result to the answer array.
Finally, we return the answer array.
The time complexity is \(O(q \times (n + q))\), and the space complexity is \(O(n + q)\). Here, \(n\) and \(q\) are the number of cities and the number of queries, respectively.