You are given a binary array pattern and an object stream of class InfiniteStream representing a 0-indexed infinite stream of bits.
The class InfiniteStream contains the following function:
int next(): Reads a single bit (which is either 0 or 1) from the stream and returns it.
Return the first starting index where the pattern matches the bits read from the stream. For example, if the pattern is [1, 0], the first match is the highlighted part in the stream [0, 1, 0, 1, ...].
Example 1:
Input: stream = [1,1,1,0,1,1,1,...], pattern = [0,1]
Output: 3
Explanation: The first occurrence of the pattern [0,1] is highlighted in the stream [1,1,1,0,1,...], which starts at index 3.
Example 2:
Input: stream = [0,0,0,0,...], pattern = [0]
Output: 0
Explanation: The first occurrence of the pattern [0] is highlighted in the stream [0,...], which starts at index 0.
Example 3:
Input: stream = [1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,...], pattern = [1,1,0,1]
Output: 2
Explanation: The first occurrence of the pattern [1,1,0,1] is highlighted in the stream [1,0,1,1,0,1,...], which starts at index 2.
1 <= pattern.length <= 100
pattern consists only of 0 and 1.
stream consists only of 0 and 1.
The input is generated such that the pattern's start index exists in the first 105 bits of the stream.
Solution 1: Bit Manipulation + Sliding Window
We notice that the length of the array \(pattern\) does not exceed \(100\), therefore, we can use two \(64\)-bit integers \(a\) and \(b\) to represent the binary numbers of the left and right halves of \(pattern\).
Next, we traverse the data stream, also maintaining two \(64\)-bit integers \(x\) and \(y\) to represent the binary numbers of the current window of the length of \(pattern\). If the current length reaches the window length, we compare whether \(a\) and \(x\) are equal, and whether \(b\) and \(y\) are equal. If they are, we return the index of the current data stream.
The time complexity is \(O(n + m)\), where \(n\) and \(m\) are the number of elements in the data stream and \(pattern\) respectively. The space complexity is \(O(1)\).
# Definition for an infinite stream.# class InfiniteStream:# def next(self) -> int:# passclassSolution:deffindPattern(self,stream:Optional["InfiniteStream"],pattern:List[int])->int:a=b=0m=len(pattern)half=m>>1mask1=(1<<half)-1mask2=(1<<(m-half))-1foriinrange(half):a|=pattern[i]<<(half-1-i)foriinrange(half,m):b|=pattern[i]<<(m-1-i)x=y=0foriincount(1)<<1|vv=y>>(m-half)&1y&=mask2x=x<<1|vx&=mask1ifi>=manda==xandb==y:returni-m
/** * Definition for an infinite stream. * class InfiniteStream { * public InfiniteStream(int[] bits); * public int next(); * } */classSolution{publicintfindPattern(InfiniteStreaminfiniteStream,int[]pattern){longa=0,b=0;intm=pattern.length;inthalf=m>>1;longmask1=(1L<<half)-1;longmask2=(1L<<(m-half))-1;for(inti=0;i<half;++i){a|=(long)pattern[i]<<(half-1-i);}for(inti=half;i<m;++i){b|=(long)pattern[i]<<(m-1-i);}longx=0,y=0;for(inti=1;;++i){;y=y<<1|v;v=(int)((y>>(m-half))&1);y&=mask2;x=x<<1|v;x&=mask1;if(i>=m&&a==x&&b==y){returni-m;}}}}
/** * Definition for an infinite stream. * type InfiniteStream interface { * Next() int * } */funcfindPattern(streamInfiniteStream,pattern[]int)int{a,b:=0,0m:=len(pattern)half:=m>>1mask1:=(1<<half)-1mask2:=(1<<(m-half))-1fori:=0;i<half;i++{a|=pattern[i]<<(half-1-i)}fori:=half;i<m;i++{b|=pattern[i]<<(m-1-i)}x,y:=0,0fori:=1;;i++{v:=stream.Next()y=y<<1|vv=(y>>(m-half))&1y&=mask2x=x<<1|vx&=mask1ifi>=m&&a==x&&b==y{returni-m}}}