You are given an array nums of n positive integers and an integer k.
Initially, you start with a score of 1. You have to maximize your score by applying the following operation at most k times:
Choose any non-empty subarray nums[l, ..., r] that you haven't chosen previously.
Choose an element x of nums[l, ..., r] with the highest prime score. If multiple such elements exist, choose the one with the smallest index.
Multiply your score by x.
Here, nums[l, ..., r] denotes the subarray of nums starting at index l and ending at the index r, both ends being inclusive.
The prime score of an integer x is equal to the number of distinct prime factors of x. For example, the prime score of 300 is 3 since 300 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 5.
Return the maximum possible score after applying at most k operations.
Since the answer may be large, return it modulo 109 + 7.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [8,3,9,3,8], k = 2
Output: 81
Explanation: To get a score of 81, we can apply the following operations:
- Choose subarray nums[2, ..., 2]. nums[2] is the only element in this subarray. Hence, we multiply the score by nums[2]. The score becomes 1 * 9 = 9.
- Choose subarray nums[2, ..., 3]. Both nums[2] and nums[3] have a prime score of 1, but nums[2] has the smaller index. Hence, we multiply the score by nums[2]. The score becomes 9 * 9 = 81.
It can be proven that 81 is the highest score one can obtain.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [19,12,14,6,10,18], k = 3
Output: 4788
Explanation: To get a score of 4788, we can apply the following operations:
- Choose subarray nums[0, ..., 0]. nums[0] is the only element in this subarray. Hence, we multiply the score by nums[0]. The score becomes 1 * 19 = 19.
- Choose subarray nums[5, ..., 5]. nums[5] is the only element in this subarray. Hence, we multiply the score by nums[5]. The score becomes 19 * 18 = 342.
- Choose subarray nums[2, ..., 3]. Both nums[2] and nums[3] have a prime score of 2, but nums[2] has the smaller index. Hence, we multipy the score by nums[2]. The score becomes 342 * 14 = 4788.
It can be proven that 4788 is the highest score one can obtain.
1 <= nums.length == n <= 105
1 <= nums[i] <= 105
1 <= k <= min(n * (n + 1) / 2, 109)
Solution 1: Monotonic Stack + Greedy
It is not difficult to see that the number of subarrays with the highest prime score of an element \(nums[i]\) is \(cnt = (i - l) \times (r - i)\), where \(l\) is the leftmost index such that \(primeScore(nums[l]) \ge primeScore(nums[i])\), and \(r\) is the rightmost index such that \(primeScore(nums[r]) \ge primeScore(nums[i])\).
Since we are allowed to operate at most \(k\) times, we can greedily enumerate \(nums[i]\) from large to small, and compute the \(cnt\) of each element. If \(cnt \le k\), then the contribution of \(nums[i]\) to the answer is \(nums[i]^{cnt}\), and we update \(k = k - cnt\). If \(cnt \gt k\), then the contribution of \(nums[i]\) to the answer is \(nums[i]^{k}\), and we break out the loop.
Return the answer after the loop. Note that the power is large, so we need to use fast power.
The time complexity is \(O(n \times \log n)\), and the space complexity is \(O(n)\). Where \(n\) is the length of the array.