Given two positive integers m and n which are the height and width of a 0-indexed 2D-array board, a pair of positive integers (r, c) which is the starting position of the knight on the board.
Your task is to find an order of movements for the knight, in a manner that every cell of the board gets visited exactly once (the starting cell is considered visited and you shouldn't visit it again).
Return the arrayboardin which the cells' values show the order of visiting the cell starting from 0 (the initial place of the knight).
Note that a knight can move from cell (r1, c1) to cell (r2, c2) if 0 <= r2 <= m - 1 and 0 <= c2 <= n - 1 and min(abs(r1 - r2), abs(c1 - c2)) = 1 and max(abs(r1 - r2), abs(c1 - c2)) = 2.
Example 1:
Input: m = 1, n = 1, r = 0, c = 0
Output: [[0]]
Explanation: There is only 1 cell and the knight is initially on it so there is only a 0 inside the 1x1 grid.
Example 2:
Input: m = 3, n = 4, r = 0, c = 0
Output: [[0,3,6,9],[11,8,1,4],[2,5,10,7]]
Explanation: By the following order of movements we can visit the entire board.
1 <= m, n <= 5
0 <= r <= m - 1
0 <= c <= n - 1
The inputs will be generated such that there exists at least one possible order of movements with the given condition
Solution 1: Backtracking
We create a two-dimensional array \(g\), used to record the knight's movement order, initially \(g[r][c] = -1\), and all other positions are set to \(-1\) as well. Additionally, we need a variable \(ok\) to record whether a solution has been found.
Next, we start depth-first search from \((r, c)\). Each time we search position \((i, j)\), we first check if \(g[i][j]\) equals \(m \times n - 1\). If so, it means we have found a solution, then we set \(ok\) to true and return. Otherwise, we enumerate the knight's eight possible movement directions to position \((x, y)\). If \(0 \leq x < m\), \(0 \leq y < n\), and \(g[x][y]=-1\), then we update \(g[x][y]\) to \(g[i][j]+1\), and recursively search position \((x, y)\). If after the search, the variable \(ok\) is true, we return directly. Otherwise, we reset \(g[x][y]\) to \(-1\) and continue searching in other directions.
Finally, return the two-dimensional array \(g\).
The time complexity is \(O(8^{m \times n})\), and the space complexity is \(O(m \times n)\). Here, \(m\) and \(n\) are the integers given in the problem.