2581. Count Number of Possible Root Nodes
Alice has an undirected tree with n
nodes labeled from 0
to n - 1
. The tree is represented as a 2D integer array edges
of length n - 1
where edges[i] = [ai, bi]
indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai
and bi
in the tree.
Alice wants Bob to find the root of the tree. She allows Bob to make several guesses about her tree. In one guess, he does the following:
- Chooses two distinct integers
such that there exists an edge[u, v]
in the tree. - He tells Alice that
is the parent ofv
in the tree.
Bob's guesses are represented by a 2D integer array guesses
where guesses[j] = [uj, vj]
indicates Bob guessed uj
to be the parent of vj
Alice being lazy, does not reply to each of Bob's guesses, but just says that at least k
of his guesses are true
Given the 2D integer arrays edges
, guesses
and the integer k
, return the number of possible nodes that can be the root of Alice's tree. If there is no such tree, return 0
Example 1:
Input: edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[1,3],[4,2]], guesses = [[1,3],[0,1],[1,0],[2,4]], k = 3 Output: 3 Explanation: Root = 0, correct guesses = [1,3], [0,1], [2,4] Root = 1, correct guesses = [1,3], [1,0], [2,4] Root = 2, correct guesses = [1,3], [1,0], [2,4] Root = 3, correct guesses = [1,0], [2,4] Root = 4, correct guesses = [1,3], [1,0] Considering 0, 1, or 2 as root node leads to 3 correct guesses.
Example 2:
Input: edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]], guesses = [[1,0],[3,4],[2,1],[3,2]], k = 1 Output: 5 Explanation: Root = 0, correct guesses = [3,4] Root = 1, correct guesses = [1,0], [3,4] Root = 2, correct guesses = [1,0], [2,1], [3,4] Root = 3, correct guesses = [1,0], [2,1], [3,2], [3,4] Root = 4, correct guesses = [1,0], [2,1], [3,2] Considering any node as root will give at least 1 correct guess.
edges.length == n - 1
2 <= n <= 105
1 <= guesses.length <= 105
0 <= ai, bi, uj, vj <= n - 1
ai != bi
uj != vj
represents a valid tree.guesses[j]
is an edge of the tree.guesses
is unique.0 <= k <= guesses.length
Solution 1: Tree DP (change root)
First, we traverse the given edge set \(edges\) and convert it to an adjacency list \(g\) where \(g[i]\) represents the adjacent nodes of node \(i\). Use a hash map \(gs\) to record the given guess set \(guesses\).
Then, we start from node \(0\) and perform a DFS to count the number of edges in \(guesses\) among all the nodes that can be reached from node \(0\). We use the variable \(cnt\) to record this number.
Next, we start from node \(0\) and perform a DFS to count the number of edges in \(guesses\) in each tree with \(0\) as the root. If the number is greater than or equal to \(k\), it means that this node is a possible root node, and we add \(1\) to the answer.
Therefore, the problem becomes to count the number of edges in \(guesses\) in each tree with each node as the root. We already know that there are \(cnt\) edges in \(guesses\) among all the nodes that can be reached from node \(0\). We can maintain this value by adding or subtracting the current edge in \(guesses\) in DFS.
Assume that we are currently traversing node \(i\) and \(cnt\) represents the number of edges in \(guesses\) with \(i\) as the root node. Then, for each adjacent node \(j\) of \(i\), we need to calculate the number of edges in \(guesses\) with \(j\) as the root node. If \((i, j)\) is in \(guesses\), then there is no edge \((i, j)\) in the tree with \(j\) as the root node, so \(cnt\) should decrease by \(1\). If \((j, i)\) is in \(guesses\), then there is an extra edge \((i, j)\) in the tree with \(j\) as the root node, so \(cnt\) should increase by \(1\). That is, \(f[j] = f[i] + (j, i) \in guesses - (i, j) \in guesses\). Where \(f[i]\) represents the number of edges in \(guesses\) with \(i\) as the root node.
The time complexity is \(O(n + m)\) and the space complexity is \(O(n + m)\), where \(n\) and \(m\) are the lengths of \(edges\) and \(guesses\) respectively.
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