You are given two 0-indexed arrays nums1 and nums2 and a 2D array queries of queries. There are three types of queries:
For a query of type 1, queries[i] = [1, l, r]. Flip the values from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0 in nums1 from index l to index r. Both l and r are 0-indexed.
For a query of type 2, queries[i] = [2, p, 0]. For every index 0 <= i < n, set nums2[i] = nums2[i] + nums1[i] * p.
For a query of type 3, queries[i] = [3, 0, 0]. Find the sum of the elements in nums2.
Return an array containing all the answers to the third type queries.
Example 1:
Input: nums1 = [1,0,1], nums2 = [0,0,0], queries = [[1,1,1],[2,1,0],[3,0,0]]
Output: [3]
Explanation: After the first query nums1 becomes [1,1,1]. After the second query, nums2 becomes [1,1,1], so the answer to the third query is 3. Thus, [3] is returned.
Example 2:
Input: nums1 = [1], nums2 = [5], queries = [[2,0,0],[3,0,0]]
Output: [5]
Explanation: After the first query, nums2 remains [5], so the answer to the second query is 5. Thus, [5] is returned.
1 <= nums1.length,nums2.length <= 105
nums1.length = nums2.length
1 <= queries.length <= 105
queries[i].length = 3
0 <= l <= r <= nums1.length - 1
0 <= p <= 106
0 <= nums1[i] <= 1
0 <= nums2[i] <= 109
Solution 1: Segment Tree
According to the problem description:
Operation \(1\) is to reverse all numbers in the index range \([l,..r]\) of array nums1, that is, change \(0\) to \(1\) and \(1\) to \(0\).
Operation \(3\) is to sum all numbers in array nums2.
Operation \(2\) is to add the sum of all numbers in array nums2 with \(p\) times the sum of all numbers in array nums1, that is, \(sum(nums2) = sum(nums2) + p * sum(nums1)\).
Therefore, we actually only need to maintain the segment sum of array nums1, which can be implemented through a segment tree.
We define each node of the segment tree as Node, each node contains the following attributes:
l: The left endpoint of the node, the index starts from \(1\).
r: The right endpoint of the node, the index starts from \(1\).
s: The segment sum of the node.
lazy: The lazy tag of the node.
The segment tree mainly has the following operations:
build(u, l, r): Build the segment tree.
pushdown(u): Propagate the lazy tag.
pushup(u): Update the information of the parent node with the information of the child nodes.
modify(u, l, r): Modify the segment sum. In this problem, it is to reverse each number in the segment, so the segment sum \(s = r - l + 1 - s\).
query(u, l, r): Query the segment sum.
First, calculate the sum of all numbers in array nums2, denoted as \(s\).
When executing operation \(1\), we only need to call modify(1, l + 1, r + 1).
When executing operation \(2\), we update \(s = s + p \times query(1, 1, n)\).
When executing operation \(3\), we just need to add \(s\) to the answer array.
The time complexity is \(O(n + m \times \log n)\), and the space complexity is \(O(n)\). Where \(n\) and \(m\) are the lengths of arrays nums1 and queries respectively.