There are n points on a road you are driving your taxi on. The n points on the road are labeled from 1 to n in the direction you are going, and you want to drive from point 1 to point n to make money by picking up passengers. You cannot change the direction of the taxi.
The passengers are represented by a 0-indexed 2D integer array rides, where rides[i] = [starti, endi, tipi] denotes the ith passenger requesting a ride from point starti to point endi who is willing to give a tipi dollar tip.
For each passenger i you pick up, you earnendi - starti + tipi dollars. You may only drive at most one passenger at a time.
Given n and rides, return the maximum number of dollars you can earn by picking up the passengers optimally.
Note: You may drop off a passenger and pick up a different passenger at the same point.
Example 1:
Input: n = 5, rides = [[2,5,4],[1,5,1]]
Output: 7
Explanation: We can pick up passenger 0 to earn 5 - 2 + 4 = 7 dollars.
Example 2:
Input: n = 20, rides = [[1,6,1],[3,10,2],[10,12,3],[11,12,2],[12,15,2],[13,18,1]]
Output: 20
Explanation: We will pick up the following passengers:
- Drive passenger 1 from point 3 to point 10 for a profit of 10 - 3 + 2 = 9 dollars.
- Drive passenger 2 from point 10 to point 12 for a profit of 12 - 10 + 3 = 5 dollars.
- Drive passenger 5 from point 13 to point 18 for a profit of 18 - 13 + 1 = 6 dollars.
We earn 9 + 5 + 6 = 20 dollars in total.
1 <= n <= 105
1 <= rides.length <= 3 * 104
rides[i].length == 3
1 <= starti < endi <= n
1 <= tipi <= 105
Solution 1: Memoization Search + Binary Search
First, we sort \(rides\) in ascending order by \(start\). Then we design a function \(dfs(i)\), which represents the maximum tip that can be obtained from accepting orders starting from the \(i\)-th passenger. The answer is \(dfs(0)\).
The calculation process of the function \(dfs(i)\) is as follows:
For the \(i\)-th passenger, we can choose to accept or not to accept the order. If we don't accept the order, the maximum tip that can be obtained is \(dfs(i + 1)\). If we accept the order, we can use binary search to find the first passenger encountered after the drop-off point of the \(i\)-th passenger, denoted as \(j\). The maximum tip that can be obtained is \(dfs(j) + end_i - start_i + tip_i\). Take the larger of the two. That is:
We can change the memoization search in Solution 1 to dynamic programming.
First, sort \(rides\), this time we sort by \(end\) in ascending order. Then define \(f[i]\), which represents the maximum tip that can be obtained from the first \(i\) passengers. Initially, \(f[0] = 0\), and the answer is \(f[m]\).
For the \(i\)-th passenger, we can choose to accept or not to accept the order. If we don't accept the order, the maximum tip that can be obtained is \(f[i-1]\). If we accept the order, we can use binary search to find the last passenger whose drop-off point is not greater than \(start_i\) before the \(i\)-th passenger gets on the car, denoted as \(j\). The maximum tip that can be obtained is \(f[j] + end_i - start_i + tip_i\). Take the larger of the two. That is: