1362. Closest Divisors
Given an integer num
, find the closest two integers in absolute difference whose product equals num + 1
or num + 2
Return the two integers in any order.
Example 1:
Input: num = 8 Output: [3,3] Explanation: For num + 1 = 9, the closest divisors are 3 & 3, for num + 2 = 10, the closest divisors are 2 & 5, hence 3 & 3 is chosen.
Example 2:
Input: num = 123 Output: [5,25]
Example 3:
Input: num = 999 Output: [40,25]
1 <= num <= 10^9
Solution 1: Enumeration
We design a function $f(x)$ that returns two numbers whose product equals $x$ and the absolute difference between these two numbers is the smallest. We can start enumerating $i$ from $\sqrt{x}$. If $x$ can be divided by $i$, then $\frac{x}{i}$ is another factor. At this point, we have found two factors whose product equals $x$. We can return them directly. Otherwise, we decrease the value of $i$ and continue to enumerate.
Next, we only need to calculate $f(num + 1)$ and $f(num + 2)$ respectively, and then compare the return values of the two functions. We return the one with the smaller absolute difference.
The time complexity is $O(\sqrt{num})$, and the space complexity is $O(1)$. Where $num$ is the given integer.
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