A stepping number is an integer such that all of its adjacent digits have an absolute difference of exactly 1.
For example, 321 is a stepping number while 421 is not.
Given two integers low and high, return a sorted list of all the stepping numbers in the inclusive range[low, high].
Example 1:
Input: low = 0, high = 21
Output: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,21]
Example 2:
Input: low = 10, high = 15
Output: [10,12]
0 <= low <= high <= 2 * 109
Solution 1: BFS
First, if \(low\) is \(0\), we need to add \(0\) to the answer.
Next, we create a queue \(q\) and add \(1 \sim 9\) to the queue. Then, we repeatedly take out elements from the queue. Let the current element be \(v\). If \(v\) is greater than \(high\), we stop searching. If \(v\) is in the range \([low, high]\), we add \(v\) to the answer. Then, we need to record the last digit of \(v\) as \(x\). If \(x \gt 0\), we add \(v \times 10 + x - 1\) to the queue. If \(x \lt 9\), we add \(v \times 10 + x + 1\) to the queue. Repeat the above steps until the queue is empty.
The time complexity is \(O(10 \times 2^{\log M})\), and the space complexity is \(O(2^{\log M})\), where \(M\) is the number of digits in \(high\).