Given a string s, return the number of substrings that have only one distinct letter.
Example 1:
Input: s = "aaaba"
Output: 8
Explanation: The substrings with one distinct letter are "aaa", "aa", "a", "b".
"aaa" occurs 1 time.
"aa" occurs 2 times.
"a" occurs 4 times.
"b" occurs 1 time.
So the answer is 1 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 8.
Example 2:
Input: s = "aaaaaaaaaa"
Output: 55
1 <= s.length <= 1000
s[i] consists of only lowercase English letters.
Solution 1: Two Pointers
We can use two pointers, where pointer $i$ points to the start of the current substring, and pointer $j$ moves to the right to the first position that is different from $s[i]$. Then, $[i,..j-1]$ is a substring with $s[i]$ as the only character, and its length is $j-i$. Therefore, the number of substrings with $s[i]$ as the only character is $\frac{(j-i+1)(j-i)}{2}$, which is added to the answer. Then, we set $i=j$ and continue to traverse until $i$ exceeds the range of string $s$.
The time complexity is $O(n)$, where $n$ is the length of the string $s$. The space complexity is $O(1)$.